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- Download the Summer issue of CSO digital magazine, honoring this year's CSO50 award winners
Credit card fraud: What you need to know now
DNSSEC explained: Why you might want to implement it on your domain
The state of security hiring: Jobs, skills & salaries
Top 8 weirdest, meanest and dumbest hacks of all time
Although it might sound straightforward, scoping a PCI assessment can be a challenge even for experienced organizations. Experts offer their best advice for avoiding PCI missteps.
As use of unmanned aerial vehicles grows, organizations should have a plan for managing the risk associated with drones, whether or not they deploy them, experts say.
Web pioneer proposes a new cryptographic system that relies on threshold key infrastructure to improve end-to-end encryption.
The fall of US data agreement further complicates the post-Brexit data situation for many companies.
The Domain Name System Security Extensions provide cryptographic authentication to prevent redirection to rogue websites, but owners of many domains have yet to adopt it.
2021辽宁公务员考试行测常识大全:公务员常识40000问 ...:16 小时前 · 2021-06-10 2021辽宁公务员考试行测常识大全:公务员常识40000问(一百七十三) 免责声明:本站所提供试题均来源于网友提供或网络搜集,由本站编辑整理,仅供个人研究、交流学习使用,不涉及商业盈利目的。
Linux GRUB2 bootloader flaw breaks Secure Boot on most computers and servers
The vulnerability can also affect Windows systems. A patch is available, but will require manual testing and deployment.
Latest Microsoft Windows security update options explained
New features might require you to change current update policies, especially if you're supporting more remote workers.
2021天津三支一扶考试时政热点:稳健复苏,中国经济积极 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021天津三支一扶考试时政热点:稳健复苏,中国经济积 2021天津三支一扶考试申论范文:紧跟时伟大潮 加速砥 2021天津三支一扶考试行测技巧:考点之大小比较类 2021天津三支一扶考试行测技巧:图形很相似,规律看位 2021天津三支一扶考试行测技巧:空瓶
Dozens of cybersecurity measures designed to protect US businesses and infrastructure are part of the National Defense Authorization Act. Budget, political concerns might eliminate some.
Hackers have used some strange ways to break into networks or commit fraud. Not all are clever or smart.
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The state of security hiring: Jobs, skills & salaries
天猫618苹果全品类产品成交飙涨 或助产业链公司估值攀升 ...:18 小时前 · 2021-06-18 09:36:13 和讯名家 要闻精选 17日召开的国务院常务会议要求,通过引导贷款利率和债券利率下行等一系列政策,推动金融系统全年向各类企业 ...
A history of ransomware: The motives and methods behind these evolving attacks
Ransomware was a novelty until Bitcoin emerged. Today, ransomware is big business as gangs keep innovating.
Microsoft Office the most targeted platform to carry out attacks
The number of attacks carried out using the popular suite has increased in the past two years as browsers become harder targets. Office files are now more popular than PDFs to deliver malware.
Security Recruiter Directory
To find the right security job or hire the right candidate, you first need to find the right recruiter. CSO's security recruiter directory is your one-stop shop.
Attackers take advantage of a Windows Remote Desktop Protocol feature to take over previously disconnected sessions and appear as a legitimate user to gain system access and control,
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